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In WOL, your new task will be to train countess Penelope as a courtesan for your brothel. You will not do this alone - there will be a new trainer, lady Sapphira, who will teach her. But your task will be to check on her progress every evening and provide her with directions. You can choose two outcomes for Penelope - either she will become modest and gentle or you will encourage her to be be wild and temperamental. 

Both outcomes have their own advantages, situations and scenes. Penelope will develop from a naive girl, who don't know anything about the "issue" into a fully formed companion, depending on your choices. If you make a right ones, she will be even able to take care of the entire brothel on  her own (while you are on expeditions) as a brothel madame. 

I'm also working on an entire new model management system for the platform in this update. Model will now load as they are needed during the game play, instead of loading all models in the game start. This will have the consequence of loading games much, much faster and taking less memory. 



Jack Edwards

Is the new model management system engine-wide or just for WoL? Could it help speed up, say, Ludus or Holly?


It's for all games, but I dont know if it will speed up the game. It's more about memory management.