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Some easy things to do with your little to make them feel extra small: 

-tummy time, spread out a blanket and help your baby learn to roll over and kick there feet 

-read to them as they cuddle in your lap 

-finger painting 

- puppet show, use their stuffed animals or decorate some clean socks for an activity that will bring out the giggles 

-rattles and teethers are great to teach colors and shapes! 

***Pro-mommy tip! Put a burp cloth underneath your little ones incase they drool*** 




So adorable 😍


One day my little self will be as adorable ☺️ With many hours of practice 😜


I guess I'm just self conscious about my weight, but I've decided to take my health into my own hands this year. I'm newly single and can't eat my feelings like I have in the past, if I wanna find my forever mommy I need to be my best self so I bring stuff to the table as well! <3 But your kind heart goes a long way for my wounded one!


Soooo lovely