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john segun doe

The tess hate is hilarious. I myself have no issues with her nor am i like a super fan but u hating everything associated with tess is comedy. Plus yh, ollie so far is carrying the season and ofc Chloe is Goated. She always did what had to be done

Lucile Byrd

You wanting to hate Tess and Zod for no reason is annoying as hell but whatever, its fine, but you are allowing it to consume your entire reaction. When you sit there and talk or even stew in thoughts of your own unreasonable dislike of a character (who wasn't even in this episode) to the point where you are not paying attention, or even more senselessly will just absolutely hate everything you enjoyed just because it had any ties to Tess or Zod, how can you not acknowledge how insane that is, or how unpleasant it is for those of us who like and pay for your reactions to watch?