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When people were suggesting you might want a break during live stream because of Prues death and the whole replacement shock, that's when we said to watch this episode before you do, since it's still so heavily saturated in what happened during premiere. So if you returned to this, it would be too annoying I think, the following episodes don't sting so bad. 😆 but yeah nothing big happened this episode, except Pipers grief and awesome acting. Grief definitely causes anger in many people, it becomes so consuming if unchecked that they actually get angry at the dead person, especially if the death was in some say their fault.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Everyone grieves in their own way, and however someone grieves it is OKAY and not for anyone to judge. It is not weird at all. Anger is in fact one of the stages of grief, and I for sure felt angry at my dad when he passed when I was 23. It is not rational at all but grief and death is not supposed to be. Anyone, after going through such a trauma you grow up and realize that how someone reacts to the death of a loved one is personal to them, and it’s not for anyone else to judge. 🖤