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Great reaction to a favorite episode of mine (the "sexual undercurrents" between Holt and Lundt crack me up every time). As to your questions: Fox cancelled the series at the end of season 5, so the last THREE seasons (6, 7, 8) were on NBC. You will notice 2 main features that distinguish these from the first 5 seasons: 1. NBC allowed "bleeping" of words, so there is more cursing although we don't get to hear the word. (On Fox, they had had to find different wording.) 2. NBC aired the show starting in midseason (January) so the idea of a Halloween Heist posed some challenges. Watch out for their solutions.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

It took me a couple of seconds to realise Holt said "Thomas Cruise movies" 🤣🤣🤣 Captain, please. Jake falling in love with a woman who is exactly the same as the closest thing he's ever had to a father figure is something he should probably work out in therapy. ALL of the Holt "flirting" stuff was awesome.


And here I was thinking that Amy should work out in therapy being so turned on when Jake acts like Holt. 🤣🤣🤣They really are made for each other. #CoupleGoals. 😉