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Jana Fuller

I'm always down for a reboot it could be the brothers kid and taj guest star if he didn't wanna do it or the sisters kid and then is would be similar in storyline where the dad is struggling raising a genius


To your comments at the end about why no sequel and whatnot? Your ideas are good in theory, like you said "it's easy". Easy concepts, easy writing... essentially you can keep doing the same thing forever and just rehash things with the kids from the first show becoming parents in the second. But that's also why they fail. Easy writing is often uninspired writing and writers who care about creating compelling TV want to be challenged. Following easy formulas is why shows become stale and why things like Girl Meets World don't work out. Because they feel like copies of the original and while that's great as "comfort food" tv. Most great writers don't want to do that. They want to make things like Succession and Sopranos, etc. That's what we mean by Disney laugh track shows not holding up. Gen Z is different. They want to absorb more substance than style. I notice they laugh a lot less with the "audience" than when I see older people react to shows, who almost laugh on command with the laugh track.