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Manuel Blackson

It wasnt pointless I agree it should have been in an different spot for this episode but at the same time you would've known about nora not knowing about barry how she found in her and on top of that you would have known she was working with thawne in the beginning or place in the mid season finale but I agree the show goes on long the next seasons there's two villains so 2 different stories

Manuel Blackson

My phone is not working right hope people understand what I meant 😭

Tayvion Thurman

Nora knew Barry Allen the CSI was her dad, but didn’t know he was the flash. She was just obsessed with speedsters that’s why she was in the flash museum all the time. The flash back was them Nora out, her trying to explain why she’s done what she did. And many other things you missed because you were complaining over it. I’m not saying this episode was great or even good, but maybe give it a chance instead of complaining from the start so you can try to understand why and what’s going on. Then at the end with more understanding give your criticism whether the same or different.