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Tracy R

Thanks for the request, one of my favourite sitcoms


Stopping to allow for the laugh track is very normal in many comedy shows, even in recent times with things like The Big Bang Theory. The videos where people have removed the laugh track can be pretty funny and show how strange the show designed for a laugh track sounds without one. The ones about Ross from friends are amusing as well, some of his scenes he sounds psychotic without the laugh track. A lot of these shows are also filmed with an actual live audience, so the pausing is required more than people realise. It's more of a theatre kind of thing. It's just a different way of doing things, but does look strange now that people are not used to it.

emily ღ

yes!! back in the day with i love lucy, etc movies and tv shows especially were presented as if they were actors on a stage. movies changed drastically and they no longer felt like a stage performance but tv shows stayed very much kind of the same up until shows like lost came into the picture. heck even ER at times feels very stage-set. Scenes were mapped out like scenes on a stage. if you watch the movie auntie mame for example or my fairy lady it feels very much like a play with the laying out of the scenes and actors. sitcoms held onto this mapping out well into the 2000s with big bang and friends and others. they were genuinely filmed in front of an audience so pausing for the audience to laugh like in a play was very normal and felt natural for it. shows weren't meant to be hyper realistic. they were allowed to feel like theater. performance. etc. without the laughter it feels almost weird. the clips of ross especially that sandwich episode are jarring lol it's more "natural" having the laughter and pause than not lol


The moment I saw this on the list, I had to click on it to watch. I haven't even had my morning coffee yet! This is one my mother and I watched together and both loved. Though it's a spin-off of Cheers, you don't need to be familiar with that series to watch/enjoy Frasier. I've only watched the first two episodes of Cheers myself, but I've watched every single episode of Frasier until the day it went off the air.


Now that I've watched the whole thing, I wanted to add that yes, it absolutely improves. The pilot has the task of setting up the situation and characters, so there's naturally a somewhat jumbled or unsettled feel to it. The sharp wit and humor really set in as the show goes on and the actors settle into their roles. My favorite will always be David Hyde Pierce, who plays the brother Niles Crane. I've seen him in several other serials and films, and he is top-notch (IMO). I had forgotten how rough the pilot was, but the series itself holds a strong place in my heart's memory.