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I've always been team Clay on this one. He was trying to negotiate a better deal for Nathan. Somethings things don't work out. Nathan could have said "no I don't want to try for more, I want to take this deal". Haley really annoyed me as well. This is the one time I felt against Haley and Nathan.

Trevon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 06:15:49 No your job as an Agent is to do what your client says! You only take risks if you get your client approval. So what Clay should of done is gone to Nathan and said “I got the deal for the place you want but I did your worth more and I can get you a better offer! What would you like me to do?” and on top of this he is being super unprofessional messing with his clients wife sister
2024-01-13 06:15:02 No your job as an Agent is to do what your client says! You only take risks if you get your client approval. So what Clay should of done is gone to Nathan and said “I got the deal for the place you want but I think your worth more and I can get you a better offer! What would you like me to do?” and on top of this he is being super unprofessional messing with his clients wife sister

No your job as an Agent is to do what your client says! You only take risks if you get your client approval. So what Clay should of done is gone to Nathan and said “I got the deal for the place you want but I think your worth more and I can get you a better offer! What would you like me to do?” and on top of this he is being super unprofessional messing with his clients wife sister