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Michel Stephany Garces

I think the reason Spencer doesn't wanna tell the girls yet is because she wants to be sure of everything. Yes, Toby might be one of the As but why? She wants to know the reasons, she also wants to know where this key he was so eager to find lead to. She is still processing this information, Toby is someone she still cares about (even if it is wrong). Having more information might help her decide her next steps better. And yeah the girls all keep secrets and tell lies all the time, hence the name of the show😂 But yeah hopefully soon it all comes out for the better of all parties because I do agree the information about Toby is something that affects the whole group. Now, about Allison and why the girls were friends with her.. honestly pretty simple: she was popular, in a way the girls felt important and even though ally was mean, she still had moments where she made them feel special and seen, which is why they would still be with her after so much time. I had a "friend" who was somewhat like Allison a long time ago. She would rise me up just to bring me down at times. It is a very complicated dynamic. But when you are in a friendship like that sometimes you can't really understand the toxicity. That is what the girls experienced. I think they have started to realized how fucked up ally was to them a lot more now that she is no longer with them. Allison would make them tell everything about them but barely said anything about her life... I think in a way it made her feel powerful, having all this knowledge on ppl and nothing could really touch her


Something you need to keep in mind is that these girls are just teenagers. They’re not the most logical thinkers. Also they’ve now spent years going through multiple traumas, and being tricked by A. They’ve jumped to conclusions with a little bit of information and blown up their lives just for what they thought to not be true or the full truth. That is only going to make it harder to be sure of the right thing to do in any situation. So we gotta give them a little grace. Also Durag Toby is a huge joke in the PLL fandom. This show can be ridiculous sometimes. It’s totally fine to laugh at it.


Yes, what she said when it comes to Ali. It’s kind of the same mentality of why people stay in abusive relationships for so long. Also, the girls aren’t necessarily even loyal to Ali. Other than Emily. They all have complicated feelings about her. A is honestly the reason they’re still trying to figure out what happened. Before A had come into the picture, they weren’t even still friends with each other.