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Grey's Anatomy "Make Me Lose Control" 2x3 Reaction (Steven)

  • Perfection (Does Everything Almost Perfect) = 10 4
  • Great Episode ( Filled With Great Moments That Everyone Will Love) = 8 - 9 2
  • A Really Good Episode (Filled With Good Moments You Will Enjoy) = 7 - 8 0
  • An Ok Episode (Mix of Good With Some Bad) = 6 - 7 0
  • 2023-11-16
  • 6 votes
{'title': 'Grey\'s Anatomy "Make Me Lose Control" 2x3 Reaction (Steven)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Perfection (Does Everything Almost Perfect) = 10', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Great Episode ( Filled With Great Moments That Everyone Will Love) = 8 - 9', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'A Really Good Episode (Filled With Good Moments You Will Enjoy) = 7 - 8', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'An Ok Episode (Mix of Good With Some Bad) = 6 - 7', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 16, 2, 55, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 6}









Only part way through. An ectopic pregnancy happens when the fertilized egg implanted in one of the 2 fallopian tubes, not uterus. It’s not a viable pregnancy and if undetected it can lead to the tube rupturing which is what happened. Also 7 weeks pregnant is very early. Even if you’re actively trying our testing you’d find out around 4 weeks

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I don't know too much about alzheimers but it DOES sound so terrifying. Honestly, I don't know how Ellis had friends or got someone to marry her either cuz it's obvious she was a grade A bitch even without it. She's so mean! Imagine having such a mean mum and then having to care for her when she's like this. Damn, no wonder Meredith's all messed up lol. George finding out that he sort of looks like Mer's dad is HILARIOUS. I don't really know where I stand on Alex/Izzie romance but I do like the little bit of friendship moment we see between Alex/Mer. I don't want that to turn into romance but if they become friends, I'd be cool with that.


I agree this was a great episode! atp we don’t know where Derek stands with Addison and I think that’s intentional. Yes he calls her satan and fled the state to not talk to her, but he is also riled up about her and let her kiss him. So atp I think Derek doesn’t really know where he stands with her.


As someone who lives with someone with dementia, trust me, this is very accurate. My aunt is the SWEETEST person in the world, except when dementia takes over, which happens daily (usually as the sun begins to set). Then she turns into the meanest person you can imagine. It's a crazy shift. This woman, who doesn't even cuss, turns into someone who has said every nasty thing to everyone in her life. It's heartbreaking. And yes, they do see hallucinations. My aunt often sees multiple women in her bedroom and thinks her husband is cheating on her. There is no one there. She sees children every night and sometimes thinks that vacuum cleaners and other objects are children that she is responsible for. She thinks stoplights are Christmas lights. She'll make up entire conversations with people she's never even met or seen. She'll also often take things from movies, shows, or, worse yet, the news and think they are really happening. The stories about Ukraine and now Israel have been interesting for her. She thinks the U.S. is being invaded sometimes.

emily ღ

my heart goes out to you ad your aunt and family. my great aunt that we don't live close to has it, and we've heard stories. my grandmother had a reaction to a medication, and we all thought she had dementia because she had these exact symptoms too. it's absolutely heartbreaking and i think grey's does a good job at portraying both what ellis is going through, and meredith as caregiver. please know my heart is with you and your family.

emily ღ

long comment incoming lol as i've mentioned before, i think this is a very accurate portrayl of what it is to have a family member stuff from dementia. it's heartbreaking and you can really feel for meredith here. i think for me it also gave clarification as to why she'd latched on to derek quickly. i think deep down she wants someone to care for her. i don't think on her best days her mother really did a good job of that. so rather she knows it or not, i think a relationship where she feels looked after and cared for would mean a lot to her. i loved the character growth we got this episode. i always have a soft spot for alex after the previous few episodes and i am so glad we're seeing more of that good side to his character. his and meredith's dymaic this episode was cute! i also really loved how you could see bailey care for her interns in the storyline with christina. she's always very tough, but she has a big heart and we haven't really seen that yet until now. that moment of her by her bedside, that's just really touching. i think we're starting to see the moments of "found family" unfold through these storylines and that's wonderful! i also really like the writing for addison. she did wrong, but she's not a "bad character." and i like meredith's little tirade about her, because so many other shows would make one woman the "bad one" and pit them against each other. grey's went a different, unexpected route and i love it a lot.