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Howdy ladies and gents, so we are two episodes away from finishing Chernobyl and we have finished season 1 of Heroes and are having doubts about jumping into season 2.

I have finished Veronica Mars and am also close to finishing about 2 more shows myself and would like to get a feel of what you guys and gals think are shows worthy of our time.

Below are a bunch of shows some I watched 1 or two episodes of a long time ago and others I have seen in the comments section.

There are also shows like Hannibal, Pushing Daisies and The Expanse that are going to be replacing some shows down the road like Battlestar and Dexter so I didn’t add them to the list.

This is just to get a vibe of what you all have interest in. Be it me alone or with David or maybe even my younger brother Brian who has not seen many shows in general which would give a different perspective.

if you have other suggestions comment below this is just the first poll in dropping while we get closer to finishing some series. 



Bones! I would love to see you watch Bones.

Christina mani

Vote for Grimm please, it's such an underrated but good show


Shameless and bates motel are 🔥🔥


Bro please vote for bates motel he would love that 😭


brooklyn nine nine! one of the best comedies out there


Being Human UK! Haven't found anyone who has reacted to it before and it's an amazing show!


GRIMM is very cool and really underrated.

Zack Meaney

I know it’s not on the the list but I highly recommend “How to get away with murder”


The Americans is so, so good, and I’ve never seen anyone react to it. I’d love to watch that.


Julie and the phantoms! The music is sooo good in it!

Lucile Byrd

I would like the continuation of Heroes, season 2 is a little difficult to get through, but it is also very short, and season 3 and 4 are great. Also wouldn't mind a continuation of Merlin, Grimm or the Magicians (in that order of preference)


Your brother needs to react to Community after New Girl or something

Lea Connor

Merlin is fun, it's a family friendly, somewhat cheesy. It's kind of like Doctor Who in that way. In the UK it was something the whole family would watch together.

Tendai kangas

Peaky F*cking blinders!!! who ever sees this please vote for it it is a masterpiece and so different from what we see usually


Please I beg we get either Peaky Blinders, The Boys, Merlin or Vikings. I would literally pay double the rate just for them. 😂


Gangs of London

Omar Vargas

Dark it's a Netflix original show that is comparable to lost. You won't regret it


If you didn't watch Dawson's Creek back in the day it would be wonderful to watch someone react to it


I wish I could vote for more than one! Shameless, The Magicians, & Umbrella Academy top 3!


This is a show I (Steven) has seen but David has mentioned it before when he put it on a pill months ago. So maybe he will add it to his poll when he gets closer to finishing shows


Orphan Black, Black Sails and Fringe are all time favorites for me. Fingers crossed that at some point you guys watch them ^^

Daniel R

How about.... double Vampire Diaries instead lmao (and continue Smallville guaranteed)


The Magicians is a REALLY great series. I don't think there is anything like that, yet it's somehow familiar. The production, the actors and the story is amazing. If there is a perfect series for me, it's IT. But Merlin, Beats Motel, TUA and B99 are pretty great, too :)


I would be happy with a lot of these but i have to vote Fringe, my fav show of all time and i would love for you to react to it.


It likely won't win but Black Sails is incredible television.


That’s hilarious because I had it on the list and took it off last minute because I thought maybe the audience would not be interested in it. I guess I was wrong

Daniel R

Show is good but depending on who's watching it would matter most. David by himself would be tight, Steven--love you bro--would be too distracted to follow along and it's the type of show you need to be on point with because it's hard enough to follow the first time around anyways. If he's confused by American TV then I fear for any Dark experience lol


Polls are cool because they let people give input on what to watch. Polls also suck because everyone votes for the same shows for every reactor.


Oh man, Schitt’s Creek and The Umbrella Academy pleaaaaase. They’re both incredible!


I recommend merlin, it’s one of my childhood tv shows, I mean I would binge watch it as a child, I couldn’t get enough.

Kacey Caldwell

maybe instead of starting a new show you could do the pilot program that people paid for? I have 3 that you never did.

Shauni Livingstone

broadchurch was amazing and vikings in in my top 3 tv shows of all time its so worth a watch


Absolutely agree haha I don’t know if they’d like it but it’s such a good show!


Please stop voting for Brooklyn omg 😭


I think The Americans is a show that someone should be reacting to, one the best shows I've ever seen


I guess I am all alone but Shitts Creek is a masterpiece, it is funny, witty and heartfelt


It's not on the list but I highly recommend Blindspot. This show is really good and keeps the intrigue up throughout. I also recommend Sense8. This one gives you the feels and make you want to be connected with people.

Tendai kangas

By the order of the Peaky blinders.... mate I would cry if one of you brothers reacted to it

Ryan Pulliam

I DM'd you a while back, but Van Helsing is a really good one


I'm so mad that people really ruined season 2 of Heroes for you. Are you really not even gonna check it out? It literally continues from where season 1 left off. Steven please watch it and decide for yourself 😔


I've also been hoping you to continue Orphan Black. But judging by the poll results it's not gonna be up next any time soon. It's a really underrated show, not many even know it. And I recall you did like the pilot episode.

Nan A


Ida Eriksson

Umbrella academy is fantastic and only has two pretty short seasons, so it would be great to get a reaction to it :)


I've been waiting for you to upload the next episode. Just please let us know if you decide not to watch 2x1.

Nan A



What about How I Met Your Mother?

Teeoni Leigh

I think you’d really enjoy orphan black, it’s a very interesting unique show that I would love to see you react to

Light Yagami

The boys!!!! You would love it


Not sure if you've watched Mr. Robot, Blindspot, White Collar or Leverage, but I recommend all 4, especially Mr. Robot and Leverage


Steven would absolutely love it. It has action, humor, it's witty and deals with interesting themes. Every episode moves the plot forward and makes you wanna watch the next one.


Omg yes bones is amazing...me and hubby have just started rewatching it


people are gonna vote for popular shows always and even though i prefer designated survivor or some other shows on the list i think The Americans would be a great show for you Steven. But i wont mind watching brooklyn nine nine :)


OOOOh soo many good choices, my favourites would be black sails, vikings for more period pieces. The magicians I would really enjoy as very few people have reacted to it and it surprised me with some concepts. Brooklyn nine nine is great too. I am completely caught up on all those shows and haven’t been disappointed by them. I personally didn’t think I would enjoy a show that features soo much politics but The west wing surprised me and I am in the middle of season 3. Of course as a doctor who fan I will definitely recommend broadchurch, as I feel Tennant gives such a vibrant performance soo opposite to the 10th doctor, he plays soo well with Olivia Coleman, a great duo.


Fringe is the best show on this list without a doubt and would make the perfect replacement for Person Of Interest. Guys please lets give Fringe a chance. The show is massively underrated just like Person Of Interest. STEVEN you would love this show just as much and it would bring more people to your channel I guarantee it since only 2 other reactors in all the spectrum had reacted to it in comparison with the others.


Fringe is such a good show and a really great one to react to!


Two of my biggest show discoveries this year have been fleabag and euphoria,binged them both in about a week and I think you’d enjoy them


I think the best 4 would be Merlin, Broadchurch, Schitts Creek and Shameless. Some are very comedic but all deal with serious subjects and themes that could be lead to interesting opinions, reactions and reviews.

Clay W

My vote is for Brooklyn Nine Nine!


Brooklyn Nine Nine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love Grimm it's great for everyone. My 93 year old great grandma loved it. All my brother and sisters love it too. Like 30 of us just sat down and binge watched it. When it was over my great grandma laughed and said she wanted to watch it again. Seriously it's a great show if you watch it I'm sure you won't be disappointed.


Umbrella Academy would be a great reaction for the both of you to do together.


I would love to see your reaction to Watchmen the series (9 episodes only). There is also the movie watchmen that i would recommend watching before the show for context. It was my favorite last year (bothe the episodes and people's reactions). Also maybe not popular but orange is the new black is another show I'd love to see your take 🤭


do Merlin! after your reactions to OUAT, I think you would like the Camelot stuff. Trust me, this Camelot is a lot better than OUAT's.


oh god let it be Brooklyn nine nine

Nica Marie

Sliders is now available for streaming on Peacock. Just look up correct viewing order beforehand. Fox did it's thing and aired it all out of order and the streaming as well as dvds go by this incorrect order.


What happened to Revenge? You've already started first two episodes?

Eleanor Layland

Peaky Blinders, Brilliant writing, Beautifully shot


Was really hoping for Elementary or Leverage, but they're not even on the poll 😭


anne with an e!!

madeline z

shameless probably won’t win but it’s genuinely incredible


I commented Leverage too. I'd also be glad to see him (or them) do Elementary as well!


The Peaky Blinders, that is a show that worth mentioning, there is a good story and a great production as well as the actors play. Really amazing. Vikings is a historical drama as well, the story is amazing, the actors are phenomenal and the realization of the episodes are getting better and better through out the seasons, they are daring a lot. These two historical shows are so worth watching for you and your brothers. Now, in the supernatural category, I think Grimm is pretty nice, there is obviously a story to follow, it's not the best show I've ever watched but there is something about it, the mythology and the characters, it's a complete new journey compare to a lot of shows and in a good way. I think David would appreciate it. In comedy/drama, Shameless is the best, it's the more caring, emotional, real ass show I've ever watched, sometimes we want to cry and sometimes we can just laugh, it is so well embodied by the actors, it's incredible, and the story never ends... Feel like David and you would enjoy that one a lot. Well, I guess we will see... And I will suggest you The Mentalist, not a popular show like teen drama but, there is a good story behind it and the main character is so good. Or Westworld, crazy storytelling and production, it will blow your mind, the scenario is fricking amazing. Ps. By the way, don't listen to the comments about S2 of Heroes, at least do it until S3.


Have you watched chilling adventures of sabrina? Also shameless is good as someone else mentioned :)


Broadchurch would be a great one for you and David together. Brooklyn 99 would make most sense for David since he's already doing Parks and The Good Place from the same creator. I'd love to see some reactor do The Crown, but it takes a good appreciation of history and subtle stellar acting.

s jaco

Black Sails, it's not really what you are used to watching, but it's one of the best shows ever and terribly underrated.

Other Boy Reactions

You and David should watch Shameless and The Leftovers together. They will blow your minds and make crazy good reactions😄👍🏽


That is so true. As someone who likes 'grown up' dramas more than fantasy and superhero I feel like so many good shows get the short shrift because people vote more for 'blockbusters' for everyone. I'm glad to see things like Chernobyl getting reacted to and I wish there were more people reacting to prestige shows other than Breaking Bad and BCS. What about Big Little Lies, or Downton Abbey? Love seeing The Crown at least on someone's poll.


That's the most votes I've seen for very much underrated Fringe.


I have never seen anyone react to Chicago PD so that would be cool and also Heroes S2, even though it is slightly different, there aren't many episodes as it it got cut short so had to end abruptly and not particularly how they wanted. S3 is really good imo though :-)

Tracy R

Can you please consider some from your pilot program like bones, misfits, i zombie, warehouse 13


I would suggest Black-ish and Everybody hates Chris


Dude if you watch shameless I’m unbacking you-that’s too bottom of the moral barrel


i'm forever searching/waiting for someone to react to crazy ex-girlfriend. it's so good/smart - there's much more to it than appears from the surface.

Collector of Stuff

Fringe is great. Not a lot of reactors for it. I think you would enjoy it and the characters. To many people react to the exact same show. Its nice when there is a variety. I love Buffy and Supernatural but i don’t need to pay to see 5 people react to the same exact shows.


You did the pilot to white collar and ik you didnt get into it, but its very much like psych but more serious and there is a plot that carries on through the seasons not just each episode being a case.


Peaky blinders for sure! also Fleabag is really good


So true, and it's still not enough. I cannot believe shows like umbrella academy get more votes :)))


SO TRUE. I am honestly very tired of suggestions like the boys or umbrella academy, I don't know if you watch normies but they stopped watching Parks and Rec for shows like that...


None of them... you should watch Rick and Morty!


Looks like it won’t win this time, but I definitely hope to see you do Orphan Black sometime soon. And in a similar vein, Killing Eve would be a great one too, IMO.


So, the problem with these polls is that it doesn't necessarily select for the best show for you to react to, it selects for the show that most people have seen. There are good shows, then there are shows that a lot of people like, then there are good shows for reactions. For example, The West Wing is a good show - maybe the best show ever made - but it's not a great show for reactions, because its benefit is mostly character and dialogue-based. I'd still love to see someone smart react to it, because I love the show, but I recognize that it's not really perfectly suited to the medium. Then there are shows a lot of people like. Brooklyn 99 is one. I don't know why anyone would want to watch someone else react to that, however. It's just there because a lot of people watch it. The show that is just perfectly suited to reactions is Fringe. I am only subscribed to two reactors, you and one other, and the reason I'm subscribed to the other one is that he's doing Fringe. It's like they made that show for reactions. Of the shows listed, it is CLEARLY the correct choice. But it's not going to win the poll, because Umbrella Academy (which is an okay show that would make for pretty good reactions) and The Boys (which is a good show that would make for very good reactions, which is why there are about 100 people who react to it) are currently on Netflix and Amazon and are very popular. I guess what I'm saying is, I don't think doing a poll is going to be the best way to decide your show lineup.


... I should mention, Deadwood is also in the conversation for "best TV show ever made", but obviously it will never, ever win a poll like this. I'm also not sure if you'd like it, considering the dialogue is practically Shakespearean (if Shakespeare had more nudity and his characters were constantly saying "fuck" in the middle of their brilliant, beautifully crafted soliloquies).


The Americans please


ozark and fringe please!


Secret life of the American teenager

Sonia Deepak

I think you'd really enjoy Farscape or Babylon 5


This isn't on the list and I don't know if it is up your alley but I would love to see reactions to Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist or Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I haven't found anyone doing reactions to these shows and they are both some of my favourite shows to watch.


I think these are too far down the space / sci fi rabbit hole for his preferences, based on what he's said in the BSG reactions. The Expanse is even pushing it.


OMG SHAMELESS! It’s so good in my opinion :)


Orange is the new black!!


Travelers on Netflix is dope (there’s 3 seasons so far I think they were working on season 4 but then COVID 🤦🏾‍♂️) it’s one of those shows that’s like “wtf is going on for the first 40 mins of the first episode then then the last 5 mins everything comes together and you’re like ok I gotta see where this goes”.


I give the Geeks credit for watching more shows with strong female leads than most, but overall female driven shows don't get as much love from the major reactors and their fans.

Ghost Mom

Fringe is right up his alley.


You should give Travelers a shot. It only has two seasons, but it's freaking incredible and perfect for reactions. You'd like the show based on what I've seen you watch and you reactions to them. On this list of shows...the only one I enjoy enough to watch reactions for is Bates Motel. Also...I wish you would continue reacting to Alias if you liked the pilot, which you seemed to! Have you ever considered Being Human (US version)? It's pretty good and in the same vein as Vampire Diaries. It's really good and ends so great...one of the best finales I've seen.

Steve Quast

Grimm. I love that show and there's only one person reacting to it that I know of. And even that's only once a month.


Whattt are you on Shameless is one of the best shows in recent memory


It's not on the list, but I think you'd enjoy the Haunting of Bly Manor. It's only 9 episodes but very well written. A pretty good watch :)


Love Bates Motel, Fringe, Grimm, Vikings, The Umbrella Academy, The Boys, Orphan Black, and Merlin.


Vote for Fringe mate, it's a shame if it doesn't get chosen. The rest have a lot of reactions out there, it would be nice for Fringe to get some love.


Brooklyn nine nine is so funny and amazing! Would love that to be the next show that you react to

Myriam Daoust

Totally agree! Schitt’s Creek needs some love here. It’s such a great show and there is very little reactions to it out there so that would be interesting.


Fringe is top pick, but The Boys is great too. Some other fun (more procedural) shows could be Bones, Burn Notice, Graceland, or White Collar

Siti Dee

Voted for B99, Broadchurch and The Umbrella Academy. But it looks like B99 is winning! I hope one day you'll be able to try out Broadchurch tho! It has a really great cast, acting and detective/mystery drama!

Siti Dee

Agreed! I hope he'll go straight to Bly Manor after finishing Hill House!


Honestly, think you'd have the best time with "The Boys" but I have to give a shout out to "The West Wing" - Buffy and The West Wing came out around the same time and were two of the best written shows on TV by two of the best TV writers ever. NOBODY does West Wing reactions and hope that someone someday will. More shows I don't really see reactions to: Greek, Leverage and Seinfeld.


Travelers only has 3 seasons and then it was cancelled but the end really works for the show. He should definitely check it out!

Angela luck

Being human uk

john segun doe

Oh dude if your doing sitcoms or comedy shows in general ITS ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA has to be up there with the GOATS

Molly C

For comedy schitt’s creek or Silicon Valley hands down. For dark violent comedy and drama the boys. Ozark is just dark drama and imo a better breaking bad but that might just be me


I’ve never seen anyone react to Schitt’s Creek, even though it’s awesome and hilarious. I’ve seen reactions for almost all the other shows on this list, or I know reactors that have/are reacting to them already. It would be really cool if you could react to a show that hasn’t been reacted to a bunch of times already, but I know that’s not how these popularity polls work.


I agree completely with your choices. I especially think Broadchurch would be great, it's so underrated!


Steven watched the first episode of the Mentalist, in case you haven't seen it. And yeah he should continue Heroes.


Same thoughts here! Would be great to reach a new audience with Schitts Creek. I literally just finished watching it and there’s no one who’s reacted to the whole show


Reacting to shows like the boys and umbrella academy although they’re entertaining gets tiring. There’s probably 100s of reactions to those shows and other popular ones on this list that I’ve tapped out and honestly think it’s a waste. That’s my opinion though.


Oh I commented yesterday but I forgot to put a recommendation for you. I don't know if everyone would be on board but there's a series called 9-1-1 not 9-1-1 lone star but just 9-1-1. It's on prime and hulu. Honestly I can't sing it enough praises. It's a great show about medical emergency and the characters stories, I think the show balances both really well. I haven't seen other reactors do it I think it kinda gets overshadowed by other shows. But anyway not for this poll but for the next one it would be awesome to see you react to it I think you'd love it!


Fringe all day. The Boys has plenty of reactions and Fringe only has two :D

Jorgen Karlsson

Burn Notice, Eureka, Warehouse 13, The Pretender or Leverage


I agree with those who say don't feel you have to do the most voted shows unless you really want to watch them. There are so many reactors doing all of the same things being done already. There are plenty of reactions to the shows that poll highest out there. Pick shows you think you would enjoy even if they aren't on the top of the list. It's much better to see you (or any reactors) excited to be watching something that they like, rather than having to slog through it because it got a lot of votes in a poll. Listen to your viewers who think you'd enjoy particular shows, watch trailers for the different shows or look up a general synopsis and pick what you think you will get into. I'd rather see you watch something that gets you hooked, even if it's not my personal top choice.


This 100%! It's getting tiring to see people react to the same shows over and over. That's why I've pledged to this Patreon; Steven watches so many shows no one else does. Older ones too.

Thomas Becker

I think you should consider Californication. fun high-quality drama with the added benefit of short episode length (27min)


I’ve not seen any good reactions to schitts creek. Please do this one!

Teeoni Leigh

Really think you should go back to orphan black. You seemed really interested in the first 3 episodes and it only gets better after that. It’s also a show not many people react to so would be something different.


Finish Haunting of Hill House