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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Lindsey is definitely the worst! haha I agree


"Is the Killers an actual band??" Ugh, teenage Me's heart is broken right now, Steven. 😭 😂


Yikes, you really find everything annoying this season. It's hurting me a little! You gotta understand that to Sandy, he will forever have to deal with Caleb, because he is Kirsten's father and while they do have a complicated relationship, they still love each other and she wants him around. Sandy's been putting up with Caleb for like 20 years already, and Kirsten all her life. They're not gonna give up on him now.


You're once again right about the chemistry between Ryan and Marissa vs Ryan and literally everybody else. And Lindsay's great.


I think (and hope) you'll like the next few episodes a lot more.

Alexis Cardarella

Yes, lol, as confirmed above, The Killers are a real band- and YOU’ve got some mandatory listening to do. I honestly very much agree with you on most of your criticisms of the show. I think as someone who likes the show, you want the other person watching it to like it, so you’re naturally defensive. But ultimately I really agree. The show is in no way perfect but clearly there’s enough aspects we love about it. I always thought Ryan and Marissa had an awkward kind of chemistry at first- but it did feel like chemistry to me, and to me it grew. Their relationship is always at its best when Marissa isn’t going through so much turmoil in her life and they’re both relatively happy. All the adversity thrown at their relationship for dramatic plot value just strained it for me. I love the addition of Olivia Wilde in the show, she quickly became one of my favorite characters. Seth has totally been being one note idiotic- it really sucks to see arguably the best character on the show be written into a corner, even for so short of time. I understand Sandy and him wanting to help Caleb. I think it’s much more complex than you’re making it out to be. But also- I wish Sandy had other things going on with his character other than the Caleb sub plot. I really like the actor who plays Caleb- and I think the producers of the show clearly to do, because they at this point have contrived him into the show.


I feel the same about everything. Let's hope Sandy and Seth find other things to focus on soon 🙌🏼


If you like Lindsey and not Marissa we definitely have different taste in people 😂 Lindsey sucks.


It gets better! Please just stick it out - the middle of the season kicks up!