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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Jason Usher (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 20:13:31 Great reaction, The walker Rick killed and then stabbed a bunch was meant to look like it Ate all of Lori's body(yes unrealistic seeing even her bones were gone), and when Glenn was trying to talk to Rick, Rick wasn't in his right mind so he didn't see his family Glenn he just saw RED, also they are just assuming that Carol is dead seeing she was with T-Dog and he is dead plus they found some of her stuff near T-Dogs body, this is a 10 for me just getting to see Savage out of his mind RICK & also seeing Daryl with "Little A**kicker" was great, one more thing the Govornors list was just people they lost and then Penny who is his Daughter died and thats it
2020-09-09 16:50:12 Great reaction, The walker Rick killed and then stabbed a bunch was meant to look like it Ate all of Lori's body(yes unrealistic seeing even her bones were gone), and when Glenn was trying to talk to Rick, Rick wasn't in his right mind so he didn't see his family Glenn he just saw RED, also they are just assuming that Carol is dead seeing she was with T-Dog and he is dead plus they found some of her stuff near T-Dogs body, this is a 10 for me just getting to see Savage out of his mind RICK & also seeing Daryl with "Little A**kicker" was great, one more thing the Govornors list was just people they lost and then Penny who is his Daughter died and thats it

Great reaction, The walker Rick killed and then stabbed a bunch was meant to look like it Ate all of Lori's body(yes unrealistic seeing even her bones were gone), and when Glenn was trying to talk to Rick, Rick wasn't in his right mind so he didn't see his family Glenn he just saw RED, also they are just assuming that Carol is dead seeing she was with T-Dog and he is dead plus they found some of her stuff near T-Dogs body, this is a 10 for me just getting to see Savage out of his mind RICK & also seeing Daryl with "Little A**kicker" was great, one more thing the Govornors list was just people they lost and then Penny who is his Daughter died and thats it