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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



i wasn't crazy about this season either. but then again i'm of the belief that seasons 1 - 4 are the show's best seasons and everything after season 4 doesn't live up. this is a common opinion in the fandom too. curious what you'll think of next season.

Janet Daurity

I figure they realized that Liddy forged Quinn's signatures and Quinn could deny knowing anything about what Liddy was doing and say that Liddy called him to the van, but noone was there and he left. I think Dexter helped Quinn just so Quinn wouldn't tell on him cause I think Quinn has to figure it was Dexter who killed Liddy. And I think he understands it. But, also, Quinn is protecting Debra cause he loves her.

Janet Daurity

Please judge the last 3 seasons for yourself. 6 isn't a favorite of mine but 7 is great IMO.

Janet Daurity

Debra realizes she just did something totally out of character, not by the book, and also realizes she can't judge anyone else for not going totally by the book. Nothing is simple, everything is complicated. When she says to Dexter you think someone is a good cop and than they do something iffy, she is referring to herself and he knows it because he was surprised she let h[m and Lumen go free.

Janet Daurity

I wish someone would explain to me what it meant when Deb says at the end "you must be relieved too, now that this whole thing is over " to Dexter at the birthday. What did that mean? She doesn't know Dexter was the killer so what?

Light Yagami

Next season is gonna be rough 💀 definitely not a favorite of mine. But the good news is season 7 is great so you’ll have something to look forward to

Idun V

I think the reason Lumen became so important to Dexter so quickly was based around his guilt over Rita/need to help someone, and the fact that Lumen knew everything and accepted it and understood him. I personally really liked her and them together because it was nice to see Dexter have someone he could tell everything without the fear of judgement.

Alexis Cardarella

I was also kind of disillusioned with this season. I can’t quite put my finger on it but some of it, including the romance between him and Lumen, seem misplaced. Like it should have been told a later season... The dynamic being with Rita brought.. developing a family and being distracted by obligations... maybe that component being taken away is what needed replaced with something different- other than what they gave us with Lumen. And gosh, yes, a good portion of this season was dealing with La Guerta and Angel and that was... that left so much to be desired.. I totally agree. Yikes. I wish this would have been a shorter arc with Lumen. Because I like their chemistry... and I like that in the end it made him have hope that he could evolve from this need to kill... this darkness.. but it wasn’t necessary to be a romance.