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Nica Marie

I love this episode and I only love it more with each rewatching. This is our second glimpse at just how messed up the Echolls family is. We get Logan, Weevil and Veronica confronting Jake Kane. Love, love, love.


I believe that this episode was the best of the season up till now and i think that the rest of the season (bar soe hickups) is up to this level. Very good episode

DJ Doena

Just to make that clear: Yes jerk guy's name is Logan Echolls (egg-uhls)

Alexis Cardarella

I agree it’s one of the best so far, and, yeah, toward this ending it got a bit confusing. Sorry you’re suffering with allergies- I know that all too well 😣


I love this episode. It's one of my favorites from the entire series and one of the few ones I rewatch just for fun. It's wonderfully written (Diane Ruggiero is great at both plot and character, and she gets the race/class/gender themes better than Rob Thomas, imo). I love the way Veronica's and Keith's cases collide at the end, although the filming and editing of the stabbing is weird -- the show seems to have an issue with that (Veronica's karoake comes to mind), but Weevil pointing out that Veronica can move freely between these groups is heartbreakingly lampshaded when Keith helplessly watches her confront Jake Kane from the outside. Veronica's VO with the fake snow and carolers is a perfect capper to a very noir episode.