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Howdy Ladies and Gents, I have recorded the Serenity Movie and it is 2 Hours 15 Mins Long, 9GB. I was able to shrink the file size down to 3GB. I will upload it later tonight. My Question Is which way would you prefer?



I'm not sure if this applies to everyone, so take it with a grain of salt. My reason for supporting you on patreon was mostly just because I wanted to support you as someone who enjoys your commentary, but partially because I wanted to see the full reactions I couldn't get on youtube. I prefer full reactions because you get to hear what people think of the less "exciting" moments that might get edited out, which are often my favorite. I will ALWAYS prefer getting the full reaction if given a choice between full or edited.


Plus sometimes there are moments that have weight when looked back upon with further knowledge of the series but because the person editing might not know the significance and as such cut the moment in favor of a different moment with a slightly more expressive reaction.


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/O7Y2wghrUQdpl_R3zVvQ2r3wZdIK41Z3Z1TDik9UmE1TsAt62eILRFobuwwezWcU.jpg?token-time=1626998400&token-hash=-yInfGGg9737yzTdnYcrQUHkcIjn6VTuyAVF7jQQkMw%3D">


Lmao! Wow, that is unanimous.


Everything said above plus I just love re-watching the entire movie/show. I live alone so I do most of my TV viewing by myself so this way I feel I’m kinda’ watching with a friend.