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Yeah, this was an average episode. Kripke, like me, loves horror movies, and he wrote this episode hoping to get Linda Blair to agree to be on the show. Linda hasn't really done a lot of acting since the late 70's/early 80's. Mostly she makes an occasional cameo in stuff. She has a thing about not wanting to appear in horror genre shows and movies, so her acting skills are a bit rusty. What redeems this episode somewhat, to me, is how it shows us fans a peak into how well the brothers know each other. Like Sam knowing the story Dean would have told about why he was at Karen's house so he's able to back up Dean's story with the cops. All of that kind of stuff giving us fans a glimpse of what their growing up lives were like without the flashbacks, ngl, I love that shit.


I agree. Even an episode that I’m not real fond of, such as this one (I feel blasphemous saying such things 😬), there is usually enough Sam and Dean stuff to redeem it for me.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you very much! I liked this episode. The acting by the two detectives wasn't great, but this episode was interesting and I loved that the ghost turned out to be a death omen. Very nice. As for Linda Blair... she hasn't really done much by way of acting, but she's most famous for playing the girl in the original Poltergeist. That's why Dean joked about her looking familiar and having a craving for pea soup in the end. Because Linda Blair's character threw up what looked like pea soup.


I love this episode. We just watch for different things. I love the actual Outsider POV of the police detectives hunting S&D - talking about their aliases in the opener, and Det. Ballard describing Sam's life and history out of a police file. The Hilts and McQueen and Matlock, and especially knowing they have a Jim Rockford way of finding each other if they get separated. :) And Dean's confession video is legendary -- I love thinking about that being a part of his police record forevermore. Too much fun. :)


Linda Blair played the young girl in The Exorcist (1973) and threw up what looked like pea soup while she was possessed by a demon. Heather O'Rourke played the little girl in The Poltergeist


That's why I love about doing these reactions. Everyone can watch and enjoy Episodes for different things