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DJ Doena

Agree with you, that episode was weird even back in the day.


Man! Season 2 is bad, like all of the stand alone episodes are bad, except School Reunion


.....this episode......this one is among my least favorite. I think it was because there seemed to be four different ideas going on at the same time and they were supposed to meet somewhere and they got J.J. Abrahamed" along the way. I was weirded out by the little girl's voice choice......I don't understand how the dad was really involved.....I wish we would have seen the realm that the Doctor was sent to........then half way through......I just stop caring......this was a complete miss for me and the more I watch it the more I feel sorry for everyone involved because it doesn't seem like everyone involved was on the same page.


38:48 yes, thank you so much for that....


In my opinion my favorite seasons are 5-10. I usually just start watching from season 5 when I rewatch,very rearly I start watching from season 1


You get hung up on the dumbest shit.