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Good reaction, not often people mention the good things in this episode because all they remember is 'farting aliens.' Fair enough but it does a lot of good things too. As for the fart jokes, I think the slapstick is for the kids.


Thanks, one thing I try to do with reactions is look for positives even in episodes that I dont love. In the end I gave the Episode a 6 becuase I felt it was solid and would have been good if not for the farting. The moments between the doctor and rose and the mom all worked for me if not for the slapstick humor fart jokes

Ari is my Cat

The fart stuff ruins the episode for me but children love fart jokes and much of the intended audience are children. I would say these two are the worst of series 1.

Ari is my Cat

A couple things to know about the old series: 1. The Doctor says he's 400 years old back in the 60's version of the show. 2. The old series established that the navigation on the TARDIS is messed up. 3. The Doctor stole the TARDIS to travel with his granddaughter Susan. 4. TARDIS's are living creatures. 5. You can't cross your own timeline. Once you become a part of events you don't get a do over.


Hey man, totally respect your honestly with these reactions! Knowing you're a totally genuine reactor through and through makes your videos so much more enjoyable to watch.


I dont like to be mean and sometimes I look on the bright side a bit often but I will always say what I dont like and and what did not work. The score at the end does not always reflect my thoughts well so I hope what I say does.


I actually really really like this one, but that is an unpopular opinion within the fandom. Most people don't like this one that much, mostly because of the farting.


That's the great thing about TV and entertainment in general. It's all subjective. Its awesome that you like this Episode. Glad you enjoyed


Dunno if this is interesting to you - but those were actual newsreaders in this episode - quite well known ones. Well, one of them at least, Andrew Marr. The BBC just puts it’s own newsreaders into Doctor Who and some of it’s dramas & crime shows quite often. Yeah the farting aliens are a bit ridiculous, I never liked it. Nope, in the majority people do NOT love the fart jokes, :D :D Dr Who started out as a kids show though, and they are still trying to appeal to that audience - I think the idea was that kids would find farting aliens funny? I thought you’d dislike this episode more, so cool that you are mostly enjoying it. You’ve probably figured out by now, that the army found the Tardis so quick because of Rose’s mum’s phone call. Btw - they are army, not cops. In the UK the police do not carry guns. Only trained special units of police use guns - and only in specific circumstances when they are called out - e.g a hostage situation where the perpetrators have guns, or a terrorist incident. Because of this, we don’t have the same problem with police shootings of black people as the US does. Hence why Mickey ran - no automatic instinct to NOT fucking run from a cop or soldier with a gun. However, we still have a big problem with violent racism in our police force of course, and there are still deaths - the deaths tend to be mostly in custody, from beatings, or suffocation/ medical complications from inappropriate restraining techniques. None of the police ever get convicted of murder of course. There is a Black Lives Matter movement in the UK. The Tardis can be unpredictable - and I like that the episode addresses the consequences of just turning up a year later. Poor Jackie ( Rose’s mum) and Mickey - being suspected of murder for a year!

Hazel Angus

"...the deaths tend to be mostly in custody, from beatings, or suffocation/ medical complications from inappropriate restraining techniques" Mhmm. I'm in the UK and my partner is a psychiatric nurse. Retired now, but he worked in secure units with violent offenders who were too mentally unwell for prison (fun fact btw, it can be much harder for an offender to get out of the secure unit than to get out of prison - prison sentences can end, being incarcerated under the mental health act can go on indefinitely.) Anyway, I think they should be getting psychiatric nurses to teach police officers. He tells me they knew far safer ways of restraining people than the police did.

Thomas Gabriel White

Fart jokes can be funny if used properly, which very uncommon.