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emily ღ

one of the reactions i pay for is greys. but if you're just going to fast forward or complain it isn't a fun time. derek and meredith's drama is 85% of the show. if not more. the drama is like that of peyton and lucas and brooke mixed with medical stuff and good storylines and characters so i thought you'd enjoy it. but i was wrong and seeing you hate on it this much just isn't enjoyable. if you're going to fast forward or complain this much, just stop watching. it's not enjoyable to watch along with that attitude. if you aren't into it, don't force yourself to keep watching. there's a lot of reactors that genuinely get into the storyline and drama but if it's not for you it's for you and that's okay!! but derek and meredith are what people tuned into weekly to watch. all the promos centered around them practically. if you aren't vibing with their drama this early on, it's just going to be painful for you to keep watching and it won't be enjoyable for you or for us.


Addison stayed in a relationship with mark after cheating with him and then tracked down Derek to get back with him; never telling him that she did stay with mark and she’s still being seen as the victim🤦🏾‍♀️ I just don’t get it😂 Ps. That’s not me excusing what Derek did but they are both so equally wrong in the situation


Crazy thing is I’m loving the show lol, I can hate Meredith and Derek and still love the show. Fast forward them makes the show even better in my opinion. Watching them be annoying ruins the show