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Hey guys, I've been working on the background objects for my upcoming VN "Arc Streaks in a Park". This will be a cute and lewd short story involving Arc, Syd, and another of my characters (*cough-Aya-cough*) as Syd helps Arc enjoy a nude walk around the park without getting caught~! This short game will have a few alternate endings, so make sure to find them all~ 😉

Working on this little side project has done wonders for my mood, and I'm excited to get back to STRIP Cards very soon! I've been reading all of your comments, and have most of the most glaring issues addressed. Excited to share more of how that's going next week!

If you guys have any suggestions for future VNs or any cute interactions you'd like to see the girls in, please leave a comment below and we can brainstorm down there :3



Illya's Onii

Ooh, maybe some bonus content where Aya goes streaking too?

ArcanePlaza (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 06:39:18 Yusss, I've got a few wholesome ideas in mind involving her >:3 Two of the endings involve her joining-in 👀
2023-08-11 23:16:11 Yusss, I've got a few wholesome ideas in mind involving her >:3 Two of the endings involve her joining-in 👀

Yusss, I've got a few wholesome ideas in mind involving her >:3 Two of the endings involve her joining-in 👀