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I'll take a second to share my plans for the next update. This next update will mostly be a graphical update + bug fix + balance patch. I'll also be adding a few new key features: Roguelike Mode and Lewd Loops. We'll break down everything below~!

⚔ Roguelike Mode

This will be an additional game mode to the current game's now named "Arcade Mode". From the main menu, you'll now choose to enter either Arcade Mode (the mode currently in the game where you defeat opponents and customize your deck with cards obtained from Packs and Code), or Roguelike Mode.

In this new mode, you'll begin with a choice of 3 starter decks with 10 cards each, then defeat enemies to pick from a selection of cards after each battle to add to your growing deck. Upon defeating the final boss, you'll be rewarded with fun prizes including the choice of any one card from your deck!

This mode will also be the only way to unlock the final boss, which will be added in a later update. A temporary final boss will appear until then!

🍆 Lewd Loops

For all characters unlocked, you will be granted a new animation with the characters in very lewd situations! This feature will replace the Pin Up art in the Gallery section, so you will unlock the animations in the same way: Defeat the opponent in Hard Difficulty in Arcade Mode.

There will be 3 animations currently planned for the characters: Doggie, Missionary, and PoV. As I complete more of this feature, I'll update everyone through future Dev Logs!

📺 Graphic Enhancements

I've been putting off the enhancements for a very long time (just look at the Credits and Patch Notes screens). This update will not feature a new character, so I'm using this time to spruce up the menus and UI so it looks as finished as possible.

All cards and abilities will also be getting fresh new animations during this update. I'll post more about this in future Dev Logs. (Some cards are currently missing SFX or animations)

🛠 Bug Fixes + Balance

This portion of the update will tackle some of the bugs I've been putting off, as well as trying to make the game as fair and as fun as possible! I'll also be attempting to optimize some of the graphics to run smoothly on Android and WebGL. (Ex: the scrolling stripes on the Menu Background, which are currently only visible in the Windows version). These enhancements will be many, but likely not everyone's most exciting part. Unless something exciting happens regarding balancing, I'll just leave this part out of the future Dev Logs.

Thanks for taking a look at what's in store next for my game, STRIP Battle Action Cards~! I'll be posting Dev Logs weekly on Fridays as I complete more work on the game. In the meantime, enjoy a new code!!!

Code: LookingUpFromHere [2 Packs]



Hey there, I am having issues opening it on my apple laptop, do you know how to open the game itself?


Ok, thank you. I found a method. I don't think it'll work on apple.