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🎡 New Opponent: Mimi 🎧

Introducing Mimi! She's a music lover and excited to dance with you (and duel you if you still have energy afterwardsπŸ‘). Mimi will have a unique toggle option called πŸ†Futa Mode. This will be off by default, but if it piques your interest, please toggle it on. πŸ‘€ Futa Mode will be available as soon as  you unlock Mimi.

Mimi's deck revolves around Self Healing. In harder difficulties, Mimi will be constantly healing herself while damaging your outfits. Her Challenge Mode also involves HP Leaching: after each turn, you will lose -5HP per exposed outfit, and Mimi will gain +5HP per her exposed outfits. Find a way to reduce her healing, or try to take her out within as few turns as possible!

πŸƒ New Cards πŸƒ

  • 🍈 Jealousy (Mental Attack) - Deal 10 Dmg for every 10 cards you have in your Deck more or less than your Opponent's Deck(Ex: You [33] Opp [12] deals 20 Dmg)
  • πŸ‘™ Exhibitionism (Mental Attack) - Deal 10 Dmg for each outfit on your side that has been defeated. If no outfits are defeated, deal 0 Dmg and gain +1 Sturdy (-10 dmg from next incoming Attack card)
  • 🎧 Mimi (Helper) - For the next two turns, your Opponent cannot heal
  • 🎰 Mana Jackpot (Helper) - Flip coins until Tails. For each Heads, gain +1 Mana.

✨ QoL Updates βœ¨

  • Abilities now darken after being used on your current turn
  • Menu now shows how many more times to clear a difficulty until unlocking the next one
  • A subtle warning displays when your Deck is low on cardsThis is helpful for Mental Decks and making sure you don't defeat yourself accidentally by Decking-Out
  • RAGE card now has permanent Card Art

Next week we'll take a break from STRIP Cards and talk about my side game "Arc's Blowjob Training"! Please look forward to it~!​



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