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Hello my sweet!
Here is the thing, since you know i'm not a English native speaker, there are awkward situations often crop up in my dialogue.
And the dialogue took a lot of energy, and there were a lot of mistakes lol.

So I wanna ask is, do you mind if I change?

I wanted to remove the dialogue from the work, but raising it to five pieces per month.
That was easier for me than translating and captioning the work.
I still will adding dialogue sometime, and I also want to learn animation later.

I know that at the 10$ Tier what I'm writing is going to be text version, but I think it will limit me in the future

I want to do animation, comics and something more~
So I want to know what you think.
I hesitated for a long time.

thank all of you!



I'm happy to help go over dialogues with you if you like, though!


I'm glad to hear that, thank you! But I wish I could spend all my time to draw haha It's hard to make a decision QQ