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Here is how it looks, similar to CwG, I've remade the map shots to be able to display the characters. You can see them on the map and click on them to launch their events.
It will be like I initially planned, like you shouldn't be able to miss any event if you progress too fast.

You can see on that 2nd image, I changed a few things, I zoomed the view because the Room and lounge were too small, the cursor hovered spot appear white and you click on where you want to go. You see the character but for unique events I kept the things like before, you choose what available event to launch.

Morning event is now like you click on the bed to trigger it, and every morning there will be a different girl. so you don't have to pass these events when you pass a day, unless you click on it on purpose. For now there is just Jasmina on Monday and Thursday, but it will be filled up later, with more characters and more evolutions.

I put locks on different places that doesn't have content yet but you can see where you will be able to go later.

All girls have a time table (Yon can notice the day of the week on the image), but there are a lot of content that are not unlocked yet, so when it's time for them to be "there" they just are absent.

I prefer not to give any date, because it's 98% of coding this month and t's much more difficult to anticipate issues. I would say just a few days, but you will directly have the news of "the update is available"

I forgot to put it on the screen shot but you can see a girl's icon on the map when is present and interactable.



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