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I have been drawing this piece for a very long time, I just want to say to my commissioner thank you again for your patience

He had to wait for this piece for almost three months, but nevertheless he was very kind and patient with me.

I do not know, I am probably lucky, because I have never had to face people with whom I would no longer want to work. All my commissioners, absolutely all incredibly nice, friendly people.

Many times I took more commissions than I had planned just because I wanted to work with these people again

High resolution, versions - November 30



The Elven Chronicler

Tixnen this is GORGEOUS! ❤️🥰❤️ Thune, Ara'el, and Maya look absolutely amazing! I bow before you wondrous skill! Bravo! Bravo, I say! 😘👏👏 Here's a link to their story for any interested in learning more: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45223840/chapters/113770492


This is one of the most amazing artworks I've ever seen, anywhere, period, full stop 🫡🥵🤯Characters look amazing, background looks so great and so full of detail, like the little candles floating in the water... This is just perfect. And honestly, waiting 3 months for something like this is no long time at all, just this amount of detail will take an insane amount of time and work to do, I am sure. Hell, I'd be down to wait 3 years for something this complicated and beautiful! 😅 ... also, blonde elf here reminds me of Almáriel in her young form which gives me some ideas 😅

The Elven Chronicler

Happy to hear you enjoy the artwork! 😊 Not too surprised that you like Ara'el Ona'ne (that's the elf's full name). 😁