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These 3 pairs of characters are leading :3

(This is the second part of the first poll. These three pairs received the most votes, so they got into the poll 2)



Soo many round of votes... and now the results are all overriden and chaotic. One would think it was clear which pair won.


Mhm. Sylvanas art is churned out on a conveyor belt since BFA so this is just sad.


Didn't expect my Sylvanas x Jaina suggestion to take off like this, I hope people end up liking it if it does win! Maybe the two girls can make up their differences through lesbian love 😘


My real problem is that while this poll was going on I spotted at least five Sylvanas art released. A really rare coupling would've been like a breath of fresh air because WoW art is pretty stale and always sticks to the same themes and characters. Sylvanas is one of them. But whatever people want. I will hope for a next poll in the coming months.


I'm sorry that the characters you voted for didn't win the poll. But unfortunately I can't do anything about it


I do hope these silly comments don't get to you Tixnen, they'll always be some disappointed in the results... But you do great work, and the poll is fair voting, I very much look forward to what you draw next! :D


Sylvanas and Jaina won this hard fight :D