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Hi guys, I hope you are doing well

There have been some changes in my life.

I usually work every day. But for a few days I really couldn't draw. 

A week ago I decided to quit smoking. I've been smoking for 10 years, so these were really VERY hard days. =,{  I thought I would NEVER be happy again :D And I couldn't bring myself to draw and only worked for an hour a day. Although I usually work 8-9 hours.

I feel better now. So I'm ready to keep drawing cool tits and butts! 😄💪  I think that I will have time to finish all the artworks this month

Thank you for supporting me <3

(Sorry for my bad English)




Holy DAMN this came out good D: jeeeez, the shading is so on point!


I'm glad that you were able to make these life changes in your life. To quit smoking is very difficult at first but it will get easier as time goes on. I'm rooting for you! Also, beautiful work as always. ^^


Thanks! I will try to record a video to show how I did it. (I'll record a video for the next piece)


I hope so :,) Thank you! I really appreciate hearing that. It helps not to give up


Hope those changes will help u to feel better for the future, coz u'r artowrk is astonishing so far! Although, I'd always like to see more and more pieces from the artists I like, you perhaps shouldn't be so harsh on urself workiking 8-9h per day ;v Take care of urself and don't burnout! Amazing piece btw!


Oh yeah, I knew this was going to be a great piece and it is, beautiful, beautiful work once again! Those eyes are particularly special, with the way she's looking down at someone... &lt;3 Smoking is a very difficult thing to quit, and it's even harder to quit it quickly, but I'm glad you decided to do it and feel better now after the first hard days. :) It's a very healthy choice, and taking care of yourself and your health is one of those very important things that are easy to forget when busy and stressed because of work or with other stuff going on in life.


such a sexy woman and pose


Thank you very much! It is a pity that you can not go back to the past to say to yourself "stop it" :D Although in Russia there is a saying "better late than never"


Thank you Header! &lt;3 Although I really like to draw, so 8-9 hours of work is quite normal for me :) Take care!