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Well, this is a little embarrassing but I'll be brief. My comp crashed, two days ago. I was not able to tell you cause I've been really busy. But, Ive managed to take it to repair yesterday, and it should be fixed today later :D. However, I owe you an appology fir the inconveniences.
Anyways, I'll try to upload the new poll later or if not, not later than tomorrow.
Thanks a lot for your patience :)
Yours truly:
Captain No. 3



No worries. Just tell it to wear its seat belt next time and pay attention to the road. In all seriousness, no rush. Take all the time you need.


Glad to hear that you were able to get it repaired! Hope things are well for you overall!


Lol, that's funny. I was at first like... what the hell is this dude sayi... ohhh ok XD. Thanks matey!