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Hello everyone! My next animation is on Tucker Carlson - I think it's pretty good! I believe it will be complete in about a week or so (I'm testing out new render methods). 

This one is comparable to Eldritch Dennis Prager and the Ben Shapiro video. It has a lot of monster transformations. The main reason it's taking me a little long is because it's my first video using my mocap suit. It's super useful but I had to adapt my process. 

Thank you all for your patience, as always. If there's anything you need, feel free to message me. 

UPDATE (3/31/22): Alright so the final steps took longer than expected, but the video is basically complete. However, I think it will take another day (or two) to compile and render it. After that, I could put the video here as a patron exclusive for a time. Let me know if that kind of thing interests any of you. Thank you all!



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