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Howdy everyone! I got a lot added and figured I should go ahead and make a post about it! The combat system has been completely reworked and is a LOT more fun. I added La'era to the end of Eden's Lab (You can doom him if you so wish by hitting the incorrect button...). I also added the new ABDL foe among many changes so have fun exploring! I should have the other characters wrapped up soon for the big build 13 release. Anyways thank you for the continued support and Buppy will keep trying his best!

TESTBUILD 12.8 Link: Click Here 

(This is a test build so some things are still being changed around/added!<3)

D / Right = Right

A / Left = Left

S / Down = Down

C / W / Up = Jump

E = Interact

R = Retry

Q / V = Weapon

Space / Shift = Dash

Z = Light Attack

X = Heavy Attack

Tab = Zoom

M = Mute voices

L = Lock Loop

F = Fullscreen


i love gyros

suggestion: the catgirl that gets la'era....would be great if she can get her hands on whispy and sam too.


To add onto this, could have it happen when you only activate the Alpha Meowsters cage/lever, and not the one that sets loose and free's La'era, instead requiring you to get both to bad end La'era, just La'era's to free them, and finally just the Alpha Meowsters to cause them to become a trap/enemy in that particular save room before the boss. Definitely something I'd love to see anyways!


really enjoying the new speedier attacks and thank the heavens whispy is into abdl


You already know when the gallery mode will be activated? The house is already there since the first test build but I don't know how to access!


I still need to add the gallery to the game&lt;3 I just want to dress up the place to look all fancy before I do so.

i love gyros

by the by, i think the stamina system may need some tweaks. right now, too much is reliant on it and the new combat system emphasizes that. stamina for attacks, sure, dashing, im iffy, stamina shouldn't be used for jumping though. it removes all defensive options. alot of times i run out of stamina from attacking, get backed into a corner, no stamina to evade or jump, then have to drain even more stamina to get out of a grapple. it puts pacing to a halt. also, depending on how long you want to make levels, a way to heal mid dungeon would be good.


Yeah buppy is still working on the system ^^ I plan on adding a way to recharge your energy during combat and a way to buy health/return to town in the stages.


NGL new combat is really frustrating for me TuT Running out of stamina nonstop and light strings have tons of knockback so even the weakest of enemies survive even a multihit combo unless i start it from inside of them. The new light and heavy moves are cool though and makes combat ability more even between the two characters. and of course all the rest of the content is great.


one handed controls pog


How do I fight La-era? Or is she exclusively just a cutscene?


La-era is the only NPC so far that is a cutscene ^^ the rest being added interact with the hero along with one of them offering a new weapon.


not gonna lie the stamina is pretty jank


also need a way to regain health before the boss cas being save locked with like 10 hp kinda sucks :/ on another note i like the new animations lol

Evan Troti

the new abdl foes is sooooo cool, i really love it, thank you so much x3


I did stumble across this by mistake, but I've been highly satisfied with your content. The only issue I've had is, I believe when entering full screen, the game shuts my monitor off for some reason. I can still hear audio and everything, but the screen flashes black. It doesn't do it on anything else and I did confirm it was the game. Did I do something wrong installing it?


I'll have to look into that! : o But buppy is happy you like what I got finished so far!


Love the new update :D though question, how do you heal now? i don't seem to be able t oheal anymore, or can you only heal in the pub now? If so its made the game nearly impossible to play xD


Buppy is going to be adding health stations in the game to help out with that mid-level ^^


kinda annoyed by the abdl stuff (since it gets a ton of time and attention and is not something im into) but whatever i like the rest of the game