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Hello everybody!

Well, we arrived at the last part of this, the triple attack, maybe it was too much to poor miss Erimoto, or maybe not... Anyway, it was a fun little project to work with, maybe i'll think of something similar in the future :)

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did drawing them

Full pics are uploaded on the Gallery




Now this was a complete surprise as I didn't think you had a part 4 for this as well but in hind sight what better way to end it off then by having Erimoto be tickled by all three things at the same time. But yeah dude of the course of this little series you've done each picture pack have been absolutely wonderful like you always do the colours look great and the shading is done awesomely as well. Erimoto's persona has looked perfect in these pictures as well especially how her ticklish feet look as well as all the equipment tickling her also how she's being tickled by each tool is something I really enjoy as well. Another thing you've done perfectly was her facial expressions the way she has slowly lost it going from the feathers to the brushes to the tentacles to now all three tools. Plus I especially like the facial expressions ins these pictures you've done a fantastic job in showing her lose it completely. Also the dialogue was perfect and only helped in showing how the tickling she was getting effected her and all the little additions like the spare sock her glasses been taken off her when blindfolded and the role of tape laying out when she's been gagged really helped bring the pictures alive. Overall a fantastic series dude and one you should definitely be proud of and if you did do something in the future I wouldn't complain 😉