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so with the current sharing link method doesnt seem to be safe anymore

therefore,i'll have to make my access even more secure with a slight of twist

the link shared down below on the comment method will be limited in 2 weeks or one month (depending on the situation) after that the link will be expired.

if there's any body late to get the reward within the time, you'll have to dm me here on patreon to get it

old work links that use gdrive will be expired soon in the next few days

didnt really want to end up like this. but these scummy people really asking for it

sorry for the inconvenience



That's fine, it just sucks that you have to do it at all. Some people just suck.


is it possible that you can compiles all the art in one big drive?


so we can save it more easily.


Yeah but.. It was never my intention to make eveything accessible whitin just one tier in the first place so..


Its fun and games until somebody leaks the whole drive 😭😭😭


It’s totally okay! Do what you need to do in order to secure your content. Hopefully the new format does the trick.


Sorry people are leaking your content just do what you must and I will be behind you all the way.


i would appreciate if you could at least make a monthly compilation. i often dont get around to save everything in time, but i can manage to save everything of the previous month at roughly the beginning of the month usually (this reminds me i think i still have to DL december..)


That's not really great for those that barely can pay for their own food and can't effort to pay artists. But you have to make sure you can buy food and other commodities as well. This is an understandable course of action. Capitalism is capitalism at the end of the day and I can't blame you for making sure your little business thrives. I wish you wealth and happiness in exchange for the beautiful art you make as well. If I got my way you would get every luxury you wanted and the population could freely adore your art.