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As you may or may not have noticed, I have recently decided to remove a ton of content that I felt pushed to make, but never enjoyed making. I'm doing some sort of factory reset to what I once made before all this developed. I'm grateful for the support though so I'll leave most drawing files up. That is, as long people don't abuse it uploading the drawings to no-no websites against my will.

One of a kind physical drawings from one of the tiers will still be shipped out. They are only delayed. If you are expecting several, you may receive all at once.

Prints from the loyalty programs have also changed to images I'm more comfortable with.

Subscribed or not, If you have any questions about my content, some now ended or changed loyalty programs and/or refunds, feel free to send me a message on here or contact me on contact.happylikeawall@gmail.com

- Happy


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