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Dear all,

Now that Episode 14 is in the books, perhaps now’s a good time to reflect a little on it and think about the next Brandon and Cissy adventure, Episode 15!

I had a lot of fun with Episode 14. It was a real challenge figuring out the new game engine and combat system. I had a lot of fun with certain set pieces, like the Noveria infiltration and the Coruscant murder investigation. The brig was a ton of fun to write and design too.

But I think it had its flaws. The plot felt like it could have been tighter. It was fun designing such a large cast, and although I tried to give them all moments to shine, I did feel that some of the characters sort of faded into the background at times, especially Cissy.

Which is why in the next episode, I plan on rectifying some of those mistakes. Let me tell you how it starts, first.

Brandon and Cissy join a training session for prospective ninjas held by a noble and traditional clan. Here, they learn some new skills they’ll need and meet some interesting new characters. As their training sessions comes to an end, a rival ninja chief arrives. He offers the young ninjas a different path, a… freer one than the one offered by the more traditional clan. Brandon follows one clan and Cissy follows the other, though the siblings naturally don’t take it personally at all.

From there, the player takes turns playing as one sibling and then the other, encountering teammates, mentors, rivals, and more, with many of the characters interacting with both siblings (the mentor of one twin might be the mini-boss of the other, for instance).

I plan on keeping the cast smaller for this one, so there can be greater focus on this smaller group, with many of the lees being tickled more than once.

I’m undecided on other gameplay elements for now, but I plan on making it turn-based, with some open-world exploration (similar to the last game’s Galaxy Map) and some light base customisation options.

And those are my plans for now! Things may change, and I’m very open to feedback and suggestions, but that’s what I’m planning so far. I hope to have the intro ready in early November, and I'll give access to everyone for that, to say thanks for all the support for the new episode :D


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