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Spoiler Free: This episode didn't induce a ton of laughter but it more than made up for that with a lot of bad decisions that caused a lot of cringe .

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 Dude when he decides to go with Jeremy, I thought ok he's being a weirdo but Marks always a weirdo lol he can just pretend he's there supporting a friend's music.  The dude says "I'm a student " why? Mark why?, I know why you want me to die of the cringe that will surely follow after this terrible decision lmao. I love this show the cringe makes me clench my teeth sometimes. When he called Sophie, I was thinking dude why are you doing this to me lmao. I love how Jeremy just did not catch on to Marks lie and as soon as Mark pulls him to the side to explain Jeremy says "oh you're stalking her" lmao. The joke Jeremy told on the bus knowing Mark would hate it was fantastic. The look on his face was priceless. Overall this was a decent episode but episode 2 is still the best so far from this season. 

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!  

As always I would love to read your comments below


Peep Show - S02 - E04 - University Challenge.mp4


Kieran B

Don’t know if you recognise April but she’s Jen’s dinner party guest that went off with Richmond


Oh shit I forgot Dr Who was in this episode! (Peter Capaldi)

Michael Harrop

Mark and Jeremy make so many terrible decisions, they're self destructive and have no issues with dragging the other down with them 😂

Adam C Turek

Peter Capaldi (the University Professor) famous for playing Doctor Who has been cast as the Thinker in James Gunns Suicide Squad sequel.

Bob K

No idea why but I avoided this show until you started reviewing it here, it is one of the best series of all time. After episode 2 of this season 2 I couldn't wait and have been binge watching and amazingly it gets better.


Do a Columbo, do a Columbo

Kieran B

I should have watched the video first, as you clearly did, you’re becoming a British comedy expert 😂

Tony Smyth

Don't do a Columbo. The Internet is full of Columbos. There's too many.


Great episode in my opinion, great reaction and great observations about the style of comedy of some of our UK shows. You're really getting it and it's great to watch. Have you ever seen Doctor Who? The professor in this episode was one of them a while back (Peter Capaldi)

James Aston

Yeah it really starts to pick up cringe/comedy wise in series three, I really can't wait for you to get to it. Let's just say Mark getting what he actually wants ends in slow motion disaster, as you might expect. Also Johnson becomes a more major character as the seasons go on which is only a good thing!


"You do the math"... "s". 😂😂😂


By the way josh, Bez is a member of the band "Happy Mondays", but he didn't really do anything but dance around the stage like a tit with some maracas.


Thanks man I appreciate it! I have only seen a few episodes of Dr. Who when David Tennant was on it. Tay is a big fan of the show so she probably knows him. I really so need to watch more though because I did like the episodes I did see.