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Sorry for the big delay this month. ^_^''
The Pyra sketch became a small 4 piece illustration that I was hoping to post soon, but since it's taking a while between Mizuhara Hentai, my job, and other things, I think I'll post the rough sketches of it tomorrow.

I'll be holding another poll on Thursday, I'll keep it to just an uncolored sketch this time so that we can post a bit easier lol
I've been getting a bit too ambitious for the amount of time I currently have it seems, but I'll correct it accordingly.
(Also, I posted some WIPS in the discord a few days ago, for those who don't check often.)
Though I try to post on both platforms equally usually, sometimes it slips my mind.

Anyway I appreciate everyone's crazy patience this month. If you have any issues/questions/ or general concerns you want to communicate please feel free to send a message here, or on discord. Thanks everyone!!! 



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