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Still grinding commissions! I've had a lot of big bills and commissions seem to be the only reliable way to get them paid. I'm going to do my best to get more personal work done as well, and I'm glad I have something to share this week, even if it's just a bunch of sketches.

1. Sketch sheet: I wanted something relatively relaxing to draw today, so I made a collage of all the stuff I've been into lately (and some random stuff that I thought was cool/cute/whatever). I don't know if anyone else will like this, but I did. It was refreshing.

2. Profile picture commissions

Eula Lawrence (Genshin Impact), Mai Sakurajima (Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai), Anamika Kodotai (OC), Ciara (OC), Lucy Hellfire (OC), Nerisu (OC)

A pretty interesting variety of characters for these this week! Even if you aren't familiar with them, I hope their personalities shine through.

Thanks for the support and hope you enjoy your weekend, everybody.



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