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Hey, y'all! Not as much as I would've wanted again this month, but between Frostbite prep, being AT Frostbite, and being sick from Frostbite, I'm not surprised.

I've also started work in earnest on a project of my own (separate from the other big project that I still can't announce yet) -- I'm making a visual novel! I have plans for a huge sprawling narrative with multiple routes and endings, but I might be starting with something smaller and easier to work with first. 

I've always wanted to create something that would utilize all my passions -- art, writing and music. That's why I plan to do as much of the work as possible on my own, including the soundtrack. It's gonna take me a REALLY long time, but I hope you'll enjoy it when it's done. :)

Also, my online shop has been updated with my leftover stock from Frostbite, including some T-shirts that aren't available anywhere else! Check it out if you wanna, thank you!




I think if you really put all your hobbies together, you get quite a good job. Well, we will look forward to it!