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Enjoy the last live streaming video! XD

지난 생방송입니다! XD



Ear to Ear Trigger Words 귀투귀 단어반복 耳から耳へオノマトペ

https://www.twitch.tv/ppomodoli * ASMR 금 밤 11시 59분 ASMR FRI 23:59 in KST * 라디오 토 밤 9시 (랜덤방송) RADIO 21:00 in KST (Random Schedule)



Hi, Ppomo! Thank you for sharing your precious time with us again. I really love spending my time with you. 😚💕




Thank you for the stream <3 I hope I can catch the next one live.


Hi! I'm really new subscriber, PPOMO. I really love your ASMR videos. I've seen other ASMR, but I really like yours the best! (don't tell all the other ones, please!) Not only are you a very beautiful lady, but I read your reasons for doing this and you sound like a very kind person. Wish I could have met someone like you when I was in Korea. Look forward to seeing more from you! Take it easy, Aaron