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Hi, it's PPOMODORI. How have you been? :3

I need your opinions.

I'm considering to delete 1$ rewards and 10$ tier and combine 1$, 5$ and 10$ tier to 5$. :0 also 1$ tier can get no reward(just supporting).  Oh, it's just considering. :3

I can give you these rewards all if I  combine 1$, 5$ and 10$ tier to 5$ tier.

- Access to my Patreon feed, photo, poll and discussion 

- Access to 1 special video per a month

- Early access to new ASMR videos before
- Access to recorded rehearsal live streaming video

Salads and pastas, I need your opinions. 

What's gonna do if I do that?

여러분 :0 1달러, 5달러, 10달러 티어를 통합할까 고민하고 있어요.

1달러분들은 그냥 순수후원이 될 것이고 만약 5달러 티어 통합이 된다면 특별영상, 생방송다시보기, 얼리억세스를 전부 얻으실 수 있습니다. :3

만약 여러분들이 1달러티어 혹은 10달러 티어라면 어떻게 하시겠어요? 의견이 필요해요!

1. 저는 지금 1달러후원하고 있지만 5달러로 업그레이드 할래요!

2. 혜택이 없어도 1달러 후원으로 그냥 유지할래요

3. 혜택때문에 10달러 후원중인데 혜택이 통합되면 5달러로 내릴래요.

4. 10달러 후원중인데 그래도 유지할래요.



I love you and your work enough to keep even $50.00


혜택을 받기 위해 후원을 하는 것이 아니라 뽀모님께서 주신것들에 대한 보답을 하기위해 후원을 하고 있습니다. 그렇기에 저는 혜택이 통합 되어도 파스타티어를 유지 할 겁니다. 취업하면 바로 50$ 바꿀거지만 ㅎ


I'll stick with my current amount. :)


I'll be honest. If 10 becomes the same as 5, I'll do 5. Changing it, you would basically give others the same as me for less. If I had lots of cash to spare, I'd give you 50, of course... But I can get better "value" from you by just donating the 5$ on stream then, no? That is why I don't do 25$ now anyway. Not interested in audio files... a twitch sub gives me emoji and a badge for sentimental value, and live donations give me your attention( for example sharing a funny video). In any case, I'd probably give you the same amount every month... the 5$ would just be a donation during saturday streams then.


i'll upgrade to $5 if you combine all the tiers, i love your content and want to support however i can 😊


Hi PPOMO! I'm a 1$ supporter, I really love your videos but I really can't afford to give more than a dollar per month so I would prefer for the things to stay the way they are so I can still support you even though it's not much.


Is there a reason for this PPOMO? Just wondering. I think I'd like if things stayed the way they are though. I also think there are a lot of people that might like seeing your thumbnail previews too for only $1.


I think that, for some people, the 1$ option is very important. I would leave it. It is symbolic. It means that they appreciate you even without getting anything in return.


As a fellow pasta, I echo Daelaron’s sentiment, as I do have a limited budget but I wish I could give more. I will likely downgrade yet find other ways to support if the tiers are combined!


this change does not impact me as much as the other people, I am all for whatever you decide.


I can't afford to pay everybody on patreon $5+, I don't have white privilege, I don't live in my parents basement, and I don't have parents in the 1%