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Unga bunga



Uuhhh nothing too-too wacky this month, let's see..

  • We had another tie in one of the polls this month, so I just did them both.
  • The Solace piece was something different, I'm sure you've probably seen them hitting up other artists - I figured it would be neat to try a mini sponsory thing.  Not a bad experience, very nice group.
  • I'm running out again today for the weekend, but this should be the last obtuse IRL thing pulling me out of my cave for at least a little bit, hfgfhfnghngnh.
  • Toonboom science moment, made a special node thingy to handle that dark inlay paper style and the double outline aesthetic, so now I can move it between projects without it gumming everything up or needing to remake it every time. Also am getting better with how to actually draft stuff in TB
  • Another spring cleanup of the Gallery where I set it to dump a bunch of stuff out of the support queue and clean it up a bit probably coming soon, just need to find the time to sit down and make the queue schedule for my curator script.

I thiiink that's everything; thanks everyone. Sorry I've been underwater lately; just got a lot of crap in the air right now, aaaaa!





Even if these last two months haven't been as "content heavy" no worries! Life gets like that sometimes Also neat, my TCOAAL post won the poll, swag.