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  • Finished the new resolution update for the Gallery but didn't implement it into production yet because just in case it does fuck something up I want to make sure I have the time to immediately fix it. Probably push it sometime earlier next month.  If you missed wherever I mentioned this before, basically the Gallery will automatically generate compressed versions of uploads now - thumbnail, small, medium, and full.  Full is the original upload and will be downloadable from any node or display in the Gallery.  Small/medium are smaller versions of whatever the system thinks the best file format will be (IE a png with no transparency would turn into a jpeg, otherwise it would stay a png or turn into a gif). I've noticed that this tends to take the filesize down from like 8 megs to 800 kb so it should make loading things in the display a LOT faster.  Same for thumbnails, going from like 200-400 kb to 20-50.  Thing is I need to have a script run this generation for EVERYTHING currently in the Gallery too, so executing it is no small order
  • Did implement the resolution update into the poll system, so now polls have appropriate compressed thumbnail support which should make the page load faster.  This also fixed that bug where nominating something after being put in a poll would delete the attached image to the poll (since the poll image was the same as the user's previous nomination)
  • With the resolution update on the way out the new outlook for programmy bits is
  • >Finish the new rendition of the main Gallery display (faster, has folder support and better user customization, etc)
  • >Update the automatic post handler to post to more sites. Also fix the Pix integration
  • >Start fiddling with Engine's engine (been looking at stuff like https://youtu.be/ogIyMrX_uws )
  • >Implement the user-message system so that I can send you guys messages directly on the site (like for when someone nominates something that's already been colored)
  • >Update the filtering system so you can hide/blur Gallery items based on tag settings tied to your account


  • Weird question but do any of you know someone who has recovered a SAI2 file before? I hit a power outage while saving my sketch canvas and the shit's corrupted, but the filesize is still like 700 mb so the data is still there.  I think if I can transfer the proper header and footer information over to it I might be able to resurrect it, but I'm not really sure.  (This only lost 2 things - the Tristana mouth pic which had a screenshot anyway and the original draft of the beachy piro pic which I immediately redrew, so no big deal but still)
  • Been messing around with prompting. If you're curious you can see some of the results under the "promptslop" tag in the Gallery.  I'll probably make a sub-section just for prompt crap eventually but for now it's in with everything else (note that all prompt crap is set to tier 0, so if you have the patreon-only filter on you won't see it).  Interesting tools.
  • Toonboom outlook is getting stronger though I haven't quite figured out the step between draft and final.  Also think I can put together a neat rig for a Jenny head using overlap and outline effects, but I haven't sat down and really brained it out yet.  Keep an eye out for the Jenny and Gardevoir loops if you're interested in that side of things
  • Apparently there are more people than just my weird buddy who like those nip edits so, whatev. Take em if you want em idk lol
  • Big LioxPiko comic is finally done so that's out of the way
  • /u\


Thanks everyone, love ya appreciate ya <3




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