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Unga bunga



  • No changes!


  • Developed a new upload & image processor which should speed up the gallery by a significant amount. I still need to do the front-end work and execute it on the production server, but I cobbled together a script to scrape the entire gallery list and generate new resolutions for every image. Basically, right now everything (including thumbnails) is a .png, and when you load the view window you're loading the entire (usually 4k+) image. The new idea is that the gallery will automatically generate a png, gif or jpg (depending on which it thinks an image will need) at various resolutions which is reducing thumbnail file sizes by about 4x (~200kb average -> 50kb average) and view window loading by even more (8mb average -> 600kb average). You will still always be able to download the max res original png, but the file served in the view popup will be one of the lesser versions (unless you specify otherwise in your user option settings) while casually browsing
  • *Side note that when I go to implement this next month (probably later this week) I'm also going to apply the new upload handler to other pages (like the nomination page) so if anything blows up that's why
  • Fixed the weird 500 error issue. Kind of. Basically for a while there random files were throwing 500 errors. Images, js, css, etc. I would load the gallery and half of it would 500, then reload it and the other half would 500 instead. It was very weird and I couldn't find any documentation on this behavior or get any logs to tell me what was actually happening. I ran a search on the server and it suddenly stopped though - theory being I forced some cache on the server to regenerate when I did that. Idk. I'm still trying to figure out what the hell was happening but at least it's not completely bodying the entire gallery anymore.


  • I didn't quite get through all the WIP stuff that I wanted to wrangle last month so expect some more to fumble down the pipe in February.
  • I know I keep banging on about picking up Harmony but I think I'm getting over the learning curve. Sketching things out (ala that Amy gif) is a lot easier in Harmony than Sai or Flash lmao. Progress is slow because the UI is deep as shit and I'm not very efficient yet but we're getting there!
  • "CoV" in the monthly summary splash is for Champion of Venus. The scene I did will be in the gallery list like everything else once the next update goes up (requested by the dev).


Thanks everyone! Love ya uwu.




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