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Note to self, upload the Evergreen shitpost to the gallery.

Reminder that the March polls are up! You can also start submitting nominations for April, and the March stream recordings are up for those interested!

★ No changes.

★ Nothing major, but if the Gallery's broken tomorrow it's because I accidentally destroyed the server while cooking up a quick April Fool's Day gimmick.

★ If you source file boys are wondering why the Aria Belly's layers are extremely stupid, it's so I can make it wiggle and jiggle in Live2D at some point.
★ CSP's animation tools are pretty sick and I'm slowly getting comfortable working in the app.
★ Fixed a bunch of issues with the CGI projects this month (mainly figured out how to not lag the hell out of the playhead when attempting to work in Maya), so there might be a project which *isn't* just a shitpost practice thing bubbling up somewhere in here.

Thanks all, hope you find something hot in this month's batch /u\.




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