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Reminder that the June polls are up! You can also start submitting nominations for August,  and the Freedom stream recordings are uploading for those interested! 

★ We're dramaless in what appears to be a sea of Patreon drama lmao.
★ That bonus animation you guys voted into muh juggle is in progress and shouououououould be coming down the pipe sometime in August.

★ There's now a (kind of primitive, but still) password system in place.  You can set it up on your usepage by just setting a password and an email.  (The email doesn't need to actually be an email address, but it probably should be since it's the thing you can use to actually get in and needs to be unique.)  It's defaulted to your Patreon account's email assuming you gave it API permissions.  This gives you a way into the site if Patreon's API ever shits the bed or just want a non-Patreon way in in the future for reasons.

★  I'm gonna be out of town next week apparently, so if you encounter some error blow-up on the Gallery at some point it's because I'm actively working on it via the laptop.

Hope you all find something appealing in this month's batch; stay healthy and have fun in August /u\.




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