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Shake shake shake 

The April polls are up!

You can also start submitting nominations for May. And the April stream recordings are uploaded for those interested! 


★  The Isabelle 2.5k milestone project is finished and has been reduced to tier 2.  It'll be posted publicly after a month or so.  Let me know what you lads think about this method for gifs!  If you prefer the sketchy grays I will keep a note of that for next time.
★  The Midna CGI project has had an update!  She still has a couple kinks which need ironed out and I still need to fix her clusterfuck of a filestructure, but she's now utilizing a new rig built from the ground up.  This new rig is MUCH more flexible and deforms way better than the old one.  You can find some render tests in the Gallery; expect a real project (probably a lewd loop and the beginnings of a new vore thing) to pop up at some point after my Flash thirst subsides, though the real fun in that department won't start until Renderman gets its GPU update.


★  Fixed a bug which was causing the locked content vote to not be archived correctly after the poll ended.

★  Thank you lads for supporting me and my relentless thirst to create (◡ ‿ ◡  ♪ ) !




I shake for a midna flash game