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Thanks to @NoCWHarmed a part of what was deleted when YT closed my accounts were safekept and available again.





Andy Nitka

I’m so very sorry! The other 137 files have been added to the folder. It will take about 8 hours for them to upload. ALL the YouTube vids will be there after that. They will need time to process or you may download immediately.

Faceless LTX

Ben dam’ c’est une vrai caverne d’Ali Luka Baba!

Andy Nitka

There’s 143 files. Some appear to be the same but had a different title by one character or more. They were saved in case they contained anything different from the original upload. So if a file appears twice, that is why. They may be identical. Or play where’s Waldo, download them both, and see if you can see any differences 🤣 I preserved everything I could from YT before the inevitable pull down. There may be some pixilation in some of these. Again, it’s YT not playing nice with my software. I did what I could as these began disappearing.


ah le retour des meilleurs videos de tout youtube


Pourquoi votre "Chaîne Youtube". Vous avez été démonté ? Par le "YouTube". Propriétaire, Luka... continuez-vous toujours avec "Breast Expansion". Ici sur "Patreon". Vous vous demandez si vous faites encore éclater la veste ? Vraiment comme ça, donc comme ma femme.