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Well, as promised, we continue on inflation for the whole month.

My old purple suit from libidex was put under a certain amount of strain (and the stuff under it too tbh ^^;;  )

The videos do not have a lot of meaning since it's just inflation and trying to move around without bumping things away

*** Balloon auction ***


* 1st inflation


* 2nd inflation (+ tease for the hoppity hops xtreme afficionados)


* 3 rd inflation (+ some looning, because, heh I'm a loony looner above all :p )


(PS: i will auction the balloon on my website in the near future ;-)

* vibration extreme finishing kill of 39 deaths

Sorry but our vibration is in another castle -> you know where now !

(later ! :p )




This is your best kind of content :) I have returned after almost 2 years when you did similar videos

Nano (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-15 11:46:53 gosh those vibrations! they dont stop! i am totally in love with your Miku balloon and would request even more air for it! how much i have to pay? :D those suits are looking great on you. <3
2022-10-18 18:03:49 gosh those vibrations! they dont stop! i am totally in love with your Miku balloon and would request even more air for it! how much i have to pay? :D those suits are looking great on you. <3

gosh those vibrations! they dont stop! i am totally in love with your Miku balloon and would request even more air for it! how much i have to pay? :D those suits are looking great on you. <3